Wednesday, October 25, 2006

October 25 – The days are starting to blend together, it is hard to tell one from another. On Sunday I had a real problem not feeling well, still feeling the after affects of something I ate on Friday and perhaps my colon problem is acting up again, I’m not really sure. And to make matters worse, the weather until Monday had been overcast, humid, and smoggy, so much so that it was difficult to breathe. But on Monday a cold front came thru and it actually got chilly enough to require a windbreaker in the evening. The weather has since then been almost perfect, the best since my arrival.

On Monday evening I had dinner with Mr. Zhang, my engineer friend from the local office. We returned to the site of my earlier steamboat disaster and I am happy to say that all turned out much better. We had the type of broth pot which is divided into two parts, one for zsechuan style and the other for more normal style. We ate only from the spicier side and I enjoyed almost everything he had selected from the menu. When the “shrimp” arrived they turned out to be live crawfish, much smaller than anything I had ever seen in a restaurant before. Reportedly from the Yangtsee River (but maybe from local fish farms?) they were busily trying to crawl out of their container when they arrived at the table, but into the hot pot they went and although really too much trouble to de shell and eat, I enjoyed them nonetheless.

I am getting much more comfortable with my surroundings and the neighborhood, I now know where to find the nearest supermarket or pub or rice shop or variety store, none of which seem to be run by Pakistanis, by the way. I think I might try a hair cut tonight, just to meet more locals. It is really fun to see them interact with a westerner. Several times I have been approached in the street, usually by a parent with a small child, who want only to say “hello”, this particular word being the first thing out of their mouth.

On Sunday I found an enormous park not too far from my hotel, it seemed to be a botanical garden or something similar, although there appeared to be some commercial development associated with it. But the weather was humid and smoggy, so much so that I couldn’t really enjoy it. Perhaps I will return now that the weather has improved.


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